
公開日:2013年5月以前 最終更新日:2017-11-26






マクロ VBA サンプル画像













Option Explicit

Private SuAry(1 To 10, 1 To 10) As String
Private SuAry2(1 To 10, 1 To 10) As String

Sub main()
  Debug.Print Now()
  Dim iR As Integer
  Dim iC As Integer
  For iR = 1 To 10
    For iC = 1 To 10
      With Cells(iR + 1, iC + 1)
        If .Value = "" Or Not IsNumeric(.Value) Then
          .Value = ""
          .Font.Size = 9
          .Font.Bold = False
          .NumberFormat = "@"
          SuAry(iR, iC) = ""
          SuAry(iR, iC) = .Value
        End If
      End With
  iR = 1
  iC = 0
  Call getStart(iR, iC)
    If getAdvance(iR, iC, iR, iC, 0) = "完了" Then
      Exit Do
    End If
  Call dispCell(True)
  Debug.Print Now()
End Sub

Private Function getAdvance(ByVal iR As Integer, ByVal iC As Integer, _
              ByVal iR2 As Integer, ByVal iC2 As Integer, _
              ByVal tryCnt As Integer) As String
  Dim iR3 As Integer
  Dim iC3 As Integer
  Dim iR4 As Integer
  Dim iC4 As Integer
  Dim i As Integer
  Dim strMust As String
  Dim rtn As String
  Call getEnd(iR4, iC4, SuAry(iR, iC))
  Select Case True
    Case iR4 = iR2 - 1 And iC4 = iC2, _
       iR4 = iR2 And iC4 = iC2 + 1, _
       iR4 = iR2 + 1 And iC4 = iC2, _
       iR4 = iR2 And iC4 = iC2 - 1
      Call dispCell(True)
      tryCnt = 0
      If getStart(iR, iC) = False Then
        getAdvance = "完了"
        Exit Function
      End If
      rtn = getAdvance(iR, iC, iR, iC, tryCnt)
      Select Case rtn
        Case "完了"
          getAdvance = "完了"
          Exit Function
        Case "終点"
          getAdvance = "終点"
          tryCnt = 0
          If getStart(iR, iC) = False Then
            getAdvance = "完了"
            Exit Function
          End If
        Case "破綻"
          getAdvance = "破綻"
          Exit Function
      End Select
  End Select
  For i = 1 To 4
    Select Case True
      Case iR4 > iR2 And iC4 > iC2
        Select Case i
          Case 1
            iR3 = iR2 + 1
            iC3 = iC2
          Case 2
            iR3 = iR2
            iC3 = iC2 + 1
          Case 3
            iR3 = iR2 - 1
            iC3 = iC2
          Case 4
            iR3 = iR2
            iC3 = iC2 - 1
        End Select
      Case iR4 > iR2 And iC4 <= iC2
        Select Case i
          Case 1
            iR3 = iR2 + 1
            iC3 = iC2
          Case 2
            iR3 = iR2
            iC3 = iC2 - 1
          Case 3
            iR3 = iR2
            iC3 = iC2 + 1
          Case 4
            iR3 = iR2 - 1
            iC3 = iC2
        End Select
      Case iR4 < iR2 And iC4 > iC2
        Select Case i
          Case 1
            iR3 = iR2 - 1
            iC3 = iC2
          Case 2
            iR3 = iR2
            iC3 = iC2 + 1
          Case 3
            iR3 = iR2 + 1
            iC3 = iC2
          Case 4
            iR3 = iR2
            iC3 = iC2 - 1
        End Select
      Case iR4 = iR2 And iC4 > iC2
        Select Case i
          Case 1
            iR3 = iR2
            iC3 = iC2 + 1
          Case 2
            iR3 = iR2
            iC3 = iC2 - 1
          Case 3
            iR3 = iR2 - 1
            iC3 = iC2
          Case 4
            iR3 = iR2 + 1
            iC3 = iC2
        End Select
      Case iR4 < iR2 And iC4 <= iC2
        Select Case i
          Case 1
            iR3 = iR2 - 1
            iC3 = iC2
          Case 2
            iR3 = iR2
            iC3 = iC2 - 1
          Case 3
            iR3 = iR2 + 1
            iC3 = iC2
          Case 4
            iR3 = iR2
            iC3 = iC2 + 1
        End Select
      Case iR4 = iR2 And iC4 <= iC2
        Select Case i
          Case 1
            iR3 = iR2
            iC3 = iC2 - 1
          Case 2
            iR3 = iR2
            iC3 = iC2 + 1
          Case 3
            iR3 = iR2 - 1
            iC3 = iC2
          Case 4
            iR3 = iR2 + 1
            iC3 = iC2
        End Select
    End Select
    If SuAry(1, 1) = "" Then
      If (iR2 = 2 And iC2 = 1) Or _
        (iR2 = 1 And iC2 = 2) Then
        iR3 = 1
        iC3 = 1
      End If
    End If
    If SuAry(1, 10) = "" Then
      If (iR2 = 2 And iC2 = 10) Or _
        (iR2 = 1 And iC2 = 9) Then
        iR3 = 1
        iC3 = 10
      End If
    End If
    If SuAry(10, 1) = "" Then
      If (iR2 = 9 And iC2 = 1) Or _
        (iR2 = 10 And iC2 = 2) Then
        iR3 = 10
        iC3 = 1
      End If
    End If
    If SuAry(10, 10) = "" Then
      If (iR2 = 9 And iC2 = 10) Or _
        (iR2 = 10 And iC2 = 9) Then
        iR3 = 10
        iC3 = 10
      End If
    End If
    If iC3 >= 1 And iC3 <= 10 And iR3 >= 1 And iR3 <= 10 Then
      If SuAry(iR3, iC3) = "" Then
        If chkAdvance(iR3, iC3, SuAry(iR, iC)) = True Then
          If chkClose(iR3, iC3, SuAry(iR, iC)) = True Then
            If chkRout(iR, iC) = True Then
              tryCnt = tryCnt + 1
              Call dispCell(True, iR3, iC3, SuAry(iR, iC) & "-" & tryCnt)
              rtn = getAdvance(iR, iC, iR3, iC3, tryCnt)
              Select Case rtn
                Case "完了"
                  getAdvance = "完了"
                  Exit Function
              End Select
              If Not IsNumeric(SuAry(iR3, iC3)) Then
                tryCnt = tryCnt - 1
                Call dispCell(True, iR3, iC3, "")
              End If
            End If
          End If
        End If
      End If
    End If
  If IsNumeric(SuAry(iR2, iC2)) Then
    getAdvance = "破綻"
    tryCnt = tryCnt - 1
    Call dispCell(True, iR2, iC2, "")
    getAdvance = "別ルート探索"
  End If
End Function

Private Function chkAdvance(ByVal iR As Integer, ByVal iC As Integer, ByVal i As Integer) As Boolean
  Dim cnt As Integer
  cnt = 0
  If iR <> 1 And iC <> 1 Then
    If InStr(SuAry(iR - 1, iC - 1), i & "-") > 0 Or SuAry(iR - 1, iC - 1) = CStr(i) Then
      cnt = cnt + 1
    End If
    If InStr(SuAry(iR - 1, iC), i & "-") > 0 Or SuAry(iR - 1, iC) = CStr(i) Then
      cnt = cnt + 1
    End If
    If InStr(SuAry(iR, iC - 1), i & "-") > 0 Or SuAry(iR, iC - 1) = CStr(i) Then
      cnt = cnt + 1
    End If
    If cnt >= 3 Then
      chkAdvance = False
      Exit Function
    End If
  End If
  cnt = 0
  If iR <> 10 And iC <> 1 Then
    If InStr(SuAry(iR + 1, iC - 1), i & "-") > 0 Or SuAry(iR + 1, iC - 1) = CStr(i) Then
      cnt = cnt + 1
    End If
    If InStr(SuAry(iR + 1, iC), i & "-") > 0 Or SuAry(iR + 1, iC) = CStr(i) Then
      cnt = cnt + 1
    End If
    If InStr(SuAry(iR, iC - 1), i & "-") > 0 Or SuAry(iR, iC - 1) = CStr(i) Then
      cnt = cnt + 1
    End If
    If cnt >= 3 Then
      chkAdvance = False
      Exit Function
    End If
  End If
  cnt = 0
  If iR <> 1 And iC <> 10 Then
    If InStr(SuAry(iR - 1, iC + 1), i & "-") > 0 Or SuAry(iR - 1, iC + 1) = CStr(i) Then
      cnt = cnt + 1
    End If
    If InStr(SuAry(iR - 1, iC), i & "-") > 0 Or SuAry(iR - 1, iC) = CStr(i) Then
      cnt = cnt + 1
    End If
    If InStr(SuAry(iR, iC + 1), i & "-") > 0 Or SuAry(iR, iC + 1) = CStr(i) Then
      cnt = cnt + 1
    End If
    If cnt >= 3 Then
      chkAdvance = False
      Exit Function
    End If
  End If
  cnt = 0
  If iR <> 10 And iC <> 10 Then
    If InStr(SuAry(iR + 1, iC + 1), i & "-") > 0 Or SuAry(iR + 1, iC + 1) = CStr(i) Then
      cnt = cnt + 1
    End If
    If InStr(SuAry(iR + 1, iC), i & "-") > 0 Or SuAry(iR + 1, iC) = CStr(i) Then
      cnt = cnt + 1
    End If
    If InStr(SuAry(iR, iC + 1), i & "-") > 0 Or SuAry(iR, iC + 1) = CStr(i) Then
      cnt = cnt + 1
    End If
    If cnt >= 3 Then
      chkAdvance = False
      Exit Function
    End If
  End If
  chkAdvance = True
End Function

Private Sub dispCell(ByVal blnDisp As Boolean, _
           Optional ByVal iR As Integer = 0, Optional ByVal iC As Integer = 0, _
           Optional ByVal dispStr As String = "")
  If iR <> 0 And iC <> 0 Then
    SuAry(iR, iC) = dispStr
  End If
  If blnDisp = True Then
    Range("B2:K11").Value = SuAry
  End If
End Sub

Private Function getStart(ByRef iR As Integer, ByRef iC As Integer) As Boolean
  iC = iC + 1
  If RowColAjust(iR, iC) = False Then
    getStart = False
    Exit Function
  End If
    If IsNumeric(SuAry(iR, iC)) Then
      If chkEnd(iR, iC) <> True Then
        getStart = True
        Exit Function
      End If
    End If
    iC = iC + 1
    If RowColAjust(iR, iC) = False Then
      getStart = False
      Exit Function
    End If
End Function

Private Function RowColAjust(ByRef iR As Integer, ByRef iC As Integer) As Boolean
  If iC > 10 Then
    iR = iR + 1
    iC = 1
  End If
  If iR > 10 Then
    RowColAjust = False
    Exit Function
  End If
  RowColAjust = True
End Function

Private Function chkEnd(ByVal iR As Integer, ByVal iC As Integer) As Boolean
  Dim iR2 As Integer
  Dim iC2 As Integer
  Call getEnd(iR2, iC2, SuAry(iR, iC))
  If iR2 = iR And iC2 = iC Then
    chkEnd = True
    chkEnd = False
  End If
End Function

Private Sub getEnd(ByRef iR2 As Integer, ByRef iC2 As Integer, ByVal i As String)
  iR2 = 10
  iC2 = 10
    If SuAry(iR2, iC2) = i Then
      Exit Sub
    End If
    iC2 = iC2 - 1
    If iC2 < 1 Then
      iR2 = iR2 - 1
      iC2 = 10
    End If
    If iR2 < 1 Then
      Exit Sub
    End If
End Sub

Private Function chkRout(ByVal iR1 As Integer, ByVal iC1 As Integer) As Boolean
  Dim iR2 As Integer
  Dim iC2 As Integer
  Dim iR3 As Integer
  Dim iC3 As Integer
  Dim i As Integer
  Dim j As Integer
  chkRout = True
  For i = 1 To 10
    For j = 1 To 10
      SuAry2(i, j) = SuAry(i, j)
  If getStart(iR1, iC1) = False Then
    chkRout = True
    Exit Function
  End If
  Call getEnd(iR2, iC2, SuAry(iR1, iC1))
  If chkRout2(iR1, iC1, iR2, iC2) = False Then
    chkRout = False
  End If
  If chkRout(iR1, iC1) = False Then
    chkRout = False
  End If
End Function

Private Function chkRout2(ByVal iR1 As Integer, ByVal iC1 As Integer, ByVal iR2 As Integer, ByVal iC2 As Integer) As Boolean
  Dim i As Integer
  Dim iR3 As Integer
  Dim iC3 As Integer
  Select Case True
    Case iR1 = iR2 - 1 And iC1 = iC2, _
       iR1 = iR2 And iC1 = iC2 + 1, _
       iR1 = iR2 + 1 And iC1 = iC2, _
       iR1 = iR2 And iC1 = iC2 - 1
      chkRout2 = True
      Exit Function
  End Select
  For i = 1 To 4
    Select Case i
      Case 1
        iR3 = iR2 + 1
        iC3 = iC2
      Case 2
        iR3 = iR2
        iC3 = iC2 + 1
      Case 3
        iR3 = iR2 - 1
        iC3 = iC2
      Case 4
        iR3 = iR2
        iC3 = iC2 - 1
    End Select
    If iC3 >= 1 And iC3 <= 10 And iR3 >= 1 And iR3 <= 10 Then
      If SuAry2(iR3, iC3) = "" Then
        SuAry2(iR3, iC3) = "●"
        If chkRout2(iR1, iC1, iR3, iC3) = True Then
          chkRout2 = True
          Exit Function
        End If
      End If
    End If
  chkRout2 = False
End Function

Private Function chkClose(ByVal iR1 As Integer, ByVal iC1 As Integer, ByVal iNo As Integer) As Boolean
  Dim iR2 As Integer
  Dim iC2 As Integer
  Dim cnt As Integer
  Dim i As Integer
  Dim j As Integer
  chkClose = True
  For i = 1 To 10
    For j = 1 To 10
      SuAry2(i, j) = SuAry(i, j)
  SuAry2(iR1, iC1) = "●"
  cnt = 0
  If iR1 > 1 Then
    If SuAry2(iR1 - 1, iC1) = "" Then
      If chkClose3(iR1 - 1, iC1, iNo) = False Then
        chkClose = False
        Exit Function
      End If
      Call chkClose2(iR1 - 1, iC1, cnt, iNo)
      If cnt <= 1 Then
        chkClose = False
        Exit Function
      End If
    End If
  End If
  For i = 1 To 10
    For j = 1 To 10
      SuAry2(i, j) = SuAry(i, j)
  SuAry2(iR1, iC1) = "●"
  cnt = 0
  If iR1 < 10 Then
    If SuAry2(iR1 + 1, iC1) = "" Then
      If chkClose3(iR1 + 1, iC1, iNo) = False Then
        chkClose = False
        Exit Function
      End If
      Call chkClose2(iR1 + 1, iC1, cnt, iNo)
      If cnt <= 1 Then
        chkClose = False
        Exit Function
      End If
    End If
  End If
  For i = 1 To 10
    For j = 1 To 10
      SuAry2(i, j) = SuAry(i, j)
  SuAry2(iR1, iC1) = "●"
  cnt = 0
  If iC1 > 1 Then
    If SuAry2(iR1, iC1 - 1) = "" Then
      If chkClose3(iR1, iC1 - 1, iNo) = False Then
        chkClose = False
        Exit Function
      End If
      Call chkClose2(iR1, iC1 - 1, cnt, iNo)
      If cnt <= 1 Then
        chkClose = False
        Exit Function
      End If
    End If
  End If
  For i = 1 To 10
    For j = 1 To 10
      SuAry2(i, j) = SuAry(i, j)
  SuAry2(iR1, iC1) = "●"
  cnt = 0
  If iC1 < 10 Then
    If SuAry2(iR1, iC1 + 1) = "" Then
      If chkClose3(iR1, iC1 + 1, iNo) = False Then
        chkClose = False
        Exit Function
      End If
      Call chkClose2(iR1, iC1 + 1, cnt, iNo)
      If cnt <= 1 Then
        chkClose = False
        Exit Function
      End If
    End If
  End If
End Function

Private Sub chkClose2(ByVal iR1 As Integer, ByVal iC1 As Integer, ByRef cnt As Integer, ByVal iNo As Integer)
  Dim i As Integer
  Dim iR3 As Integer
  Dim iC3 As Integer
  If cnt >= 2 Then
    Exit Sub
  End If
  For i = 1 To 4
    Select Case i
      Case 1
        iR3 = iR1 + 1
        iC3 = iC1
      Case 2
        iR3 = iR1
        iC3 = iC1 + 1
      Case 3
        iR3 = iR1 - 1
        iC3 = iC1
      Case 4
        iR3 = iR1
        iC3 = iC1 - 1
    End Select
    If iC3 >= 1 And iC3 <= 10 And iR3 >= 1 And iR3 <= 10 Then
      If SuAry2(iR3, iC3) = "" Then
        SuAry2(iR3, iC3) = "●"
        Call chkClose2(iR3, iC3, cnt, iNo)
        If SuAry2(iR3, iC3) = CStr(iNo) Then
          cnt = 2
          Exit Sub
        End If
        If IsNumeric(SuAry2(iR3, iC3)) Then
          SuAry2(iR3, iC3) = "●"
          cnt = cnt + 1
          If cnt >= 2 Then
            Exit Sub
          End If
        End If
      End If
    End If
End Sub

Private Function chkClose3(ByVal iR1 As Integer, ByVal iC1 As Integer, ByVal iNo As Integer) As Boolean
  Dim cnt As Integer
  Dim i As Integer
  Dim j As Integer
  chkClose3 = True
  If (iR1 = 1 Or iR1 = 10) And (iC1 = 1 Or iC1 = 10) Then
    chkClose3 = True
    Exit Function
  End If
  cnt = 0
  If iR1 > 1 Then
    If SuAry2(iR1 - 1, iC1) = "" Then
      cnt = cnt + 1
    End If
    If IsNumeric(SuAry2(iR1 - 1, iC1)) Then
      chkClose3 = True
      Exit Function
    End If
    If SuAry2(iR1 - 1, iC1) <> "●" And InStr(SuAry2(iR1 - 1, iC1), "-") > 0 Then
      If Split(SuAry2(iR1 - 1, iC1), "-")(0) <> CStr(iNo) Then
        chkClose3 = True
        Exit Function
      End If
    End If
  End If
  If iR1 < 10 Then
    If SuAry2(iR1 + 1, iC1) = "" Then
      cnt = cnt + 1
    End If
    If IsNumeric(SuAry2(iR1 + 1, iC1)) Then
      chkClose3 = True
      Exit Function
    End If
    If SuAry2(iR1 + 1, iC1) <> "●" And InStr(SuAry2(iR1 + 1, iC1), "-") > 0 Then
      If Split(SuAry2(iR1 + 1, iC1), "-")(0) <> CStr(iNo) Then
        chkClose3 = True
        Exit Function
      End If
    End If
  End If
  If iC1 > 1 Then
    If SuAry2(iR1, iC1 - 1) = "" Then
      cnt = cnt + 1
    End If
    If IsNumeric(SuAry2(iR1, iC1 - 1)) Then
      chkClose3 = True
      Exit Function
    End If
    If SuAry2(iR1, iC1 - 1) <> "●" And InStr(SuAry2(iR1, iC1 - 1), "-") > 0 Then
      If Split(SuAry2(iR1, iC1 - 1), "-")(0) <> CStr(iNo) Then
        chkClose3 = True
        Exit Function
      End If
    End If
  End If
  If iC1 < 10 Then
    If SuAry2(iR1, iC1 + 1) = "" Then
      cnt = cnt + 1
    End If
    If IsNumeric(SuAry2(iR1, iC1 + 1)) Then
      chkClose3 = True
      Exit Function
    End If
    If SuAry2(iR1, iC1 + 1) <> "●" And InStr(SuAry2(iR1, iC1 + 1), "-") > 0 Then
      If Split(SuAry2(iR1, iC1 + 1), "-")(0) <> CStr(iNo) Then
        chkClose3 = True
        Exit Function
      End If
    End If
  End If
  If cnt <= 1 Then
    chkClose3 = False
  End If
End Function









マクロ VBA サンプル画像














ナンバーリンク(パズル)を解くVBAに挑戦 : №1 №2 №3 №4 №5 №6 №7 №8




新着記事NEW ・・・新着記事一覧を見る


アクセスランキング ・・・ ランキング一覧を見る

3.繰り返し処理(For Next)|VBA入門
10.条件分岐(Select Case)|VBA入門


